Ignition An Interactive Quest - Chapter 0
@@This story is a quest in the style of those that can be found on Sci-Fi gaming boards.
To adapt this story format to Webnovel, I have written the chapters in third person instead of second person as is customary with quests.
Reader participation is essential to the progression of the plot. Please take the time to read over the choices presented at the end of the LATEST chapter and voice your vote in the comments. Merely reply with the capital letter (A, B, C, D) that is associated with your pick before you add your regular comments.
There may also be times when I offer the opportunity for write-ins. This means that the reader can present their own options and allow other readers to vote on them. Write-ins are only considered if they are expressly included as a choice.
As long as the voting period is open, you may change your vote by deleting your old comment and posting a new one. In the case of multiple comments from the same person, I will only count the vote in the LATEST post.
In the case of multiple votes, I will only count the first letter that is mentioned in the comment in question. For example, if you submitted D B C A as your vote, then I will count the choice associated with D as your vote.