Sweet CEO’s First Love - Chapter 38
Instead here is a cute little bio page for our two gods.
Mara is the god of greed, hate, and delusion. He is the guardian of passion and the catalyst of lust. (He comes to people in the form of their greatest human desire *any human being* of their choice. Changing his image to their suiting.), to trick, control, and deceive till he has won over their life strings, and they become his fully. Once he has a string in his possession, he brings that person’s life to an untimely end. He uses the souls energy from to power himself to continue to be able to cast illusions and control people to bend their will to him. He has dark wavy hair swept off to the sides. With deep, warm milk chocolate brown eyes, he wears plenty of eye makeup has a striking jaw and a tall, slightly muscular body. He is often found wearing suits or Chong Kben. he is extremely vain.
Fate is the god in charge of tying people’s lives string to each other. He can bring people together and break them apart. He can monitor a life to see the path it is leading, the future it will have all the way into even their next lives. And can decide if a human’s life is better off being removed naturally, removed suddenly, or continuing on. He has the ability to see and manipulate red threads, and other color threads. Which all have unique abilities and meanings on a human soul and body. He has an ongoing rivalry with Mara as they are opposing powers, yet still need to rely on each other to do their jobs as life cannot go on without death. He has slightly longer fluffy hair. A more feminine masculine feel, is thin, tall, and has an imposing gaze, with delicate plump lips. He likes to wear whatever is on-trend to blend in with the people around him when he is visiting the human world.