There Was No Secret Organization to Fight with the World’s Darkness so I Made One (In Exasperation) - Chapter 27.1
“Flow, My Tears,” Said the Detective – Part 1/2
Detective Kumano engaged the World’s Darkness in a battle while protecting the unconscious Shouta-kun. But he wasn’t able to deal any damage. Or rather, I didn’t let him deal any damage.
He roared like a wild beast and unleashed a Palm Heel Strike, but it didn’t work on the World’s Darkness. For a moment, it convulsed, but as if nothing had happened, it raised its jaw-like arm in an attempt to cut off Detective Kumano’s neck (not really). Detective Kumano managed to dodge it by the skin of his teeth and countered with a head-butt, but as expected, it didn’t work.
Judging from the feedback I received, it seemed that attack was meant to damage the internal organs, but there were no organs inside the World’s Darkness.
The first few attacks were normal ones. Then he switched to foot and hand chops. Then he tried restraining it with belts and his suit jacket, then he switched to Surface Destruction Strike, and then Internal Destruction Strike, and so on. All attacks of his were ineffective. But even so, it made him feel like a seasoned warrior who searched for an effective attack without fearing an unknown enemy. If the World’s Darkness was really human, he would have defeated it 30 times already.
Strong. Bear-san is really strong.
Upon realising that Internal Destruction Strike was also ineffective, Detective Kumano then moved onto using spear hand thrusts to pierce holes into the World Shadow. Around that time, Shouta-kun woke up thanks to my tugging his sleeve and patting his cheeks with my psychokinesis.
You’re slow, Shouta-kun! We have been waiting for you to wake up! We’re short on time, hurry up and fight together with Detective Kumano and let the bond between you to (artificially) blossom in the struggle.
As soon as Shota-kun woke up, he caught sight of the World’s Darkness and he instinctively jumped out in front of detective Kumano and released his <