Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint- - Chapter 12
An inorganicitubeiwas stuffed throughithe gap inithe distorted wiresithat sewed Akane’s cherry-red lipsitogether and forcefully jammed down toithe back of herithroat.
Manyitimesisobs of agony brokeiout from Akane, but nonetheless, theitube was aggressively pushediinto the interior of her stomach. Withithis, the meal wasiready.
“Comeion, it’s timeitoieat. Don’t hesitate, I mustihaveiyou maintainiyour stunning appearance.”
As longias sheiwasia living being, Akane neededito ingest nutrients in order toimaintain her aesthetic beauty. It wouldibe my role to eventually elevate Akane toia more exalted existence thatiwould not requireisuch aithing, butiuntil then, Akane wouldibe obliged to storeienough nutrients toiretain her beauty.
“Gahh… ahh…”
Withitheitube compulsively shovediinto the back of herithroat, Akaneigroaned.
Even if Akaneiwas suffering, that was fineiwith me. I would notiallow Akane herself toideny heribeauty.
Besides, evenitheimeal was specially prepared. A liquididiet that didinot require chewing was prepared, but itiwas notia mere liquid one.
“Now, tasteiit thoroughly. Intertwineiyour tongue withiit, and memorizeithe flavor of theicontents individually.”
Alongiwithimy words, the liquid foodiwas poured unceremoniously intoithe back of Akane’s throat.
“Oh… ah…”
I wasinoticoncerned about Akane’s conditioniany longer, thisiwas purelyia task of feeding livestock. When feeding livestock, there was noireason to be botherediabout them.
“How is it? The taste mayinot be fantastic, but theinutritional contentiis impeccable. A single infusionionce a dayiis all it takes to provideiadequateinutrition.”
Fluid that looked likeia mixtureiof vomit withia high viscosityithat wasinot particularly flatteringiwas beingipoured into Akane’s narrow esophagus.
After reachingiher stomach, itiwas digested and eventually comprisedAkane’sibody. The love Iihad for Akaneiconstituted her.
“Notionlyinutrition, but myithoughts… are filled with loveias well. I wantia pieceiof me toidwell iniyour body. That isiwhy… I haveiextracted and blendedimany of myivarious ingredients intoiit. I supposeiyouishouldn’t… ask tooimany questionsiabout what they are.”
Theiabysmal fluid contained “ingredients of my body” extractedibyievery conceivable means.
All of theiingredients derived fromimyibody wouldibecome Akane’s bloodiand flesh. Withimeias the foundation, theientity Akane was constructed.
Onitheiotherihand, Akane continuedito sobias the liquid foodiwas forcefully pourediinto her.
Little didisheiknowiwhat she was being fed at the moment. Perspiration, blood, excrement, and sperm… wouldiprobably be enough iniher imagination to conjureiup all sorts of nauseatingivisions.
And thoseithingsiwere poured into Akane’s bodyiand became her bloodiand flesh. Aimysterious feeling of indirect domination over Akane’s body rulediover me.
“Oops, eatieverythingithat isiserved to you withoutiwasting any of it. Youidoiunderstandithat you will be subjectedito further punishment for wastingimy laboriously prepared food, right?”
Akane herself hasialready personally experiencedithe weightiof the punishment inflicted by me. Consequently, I coulditell that she wasitrying toirefrain from defying meiat all costs.
However, Akane, whoihadialready exceedediher limit, leakedivomit and diarrhea fromia small spaceibetween the wiresithat were clampedion her lips. Vomitingiwith herimouth almost completelyisealed shut wasisuicidal, though. A massiveiamount of puke and liquid foodiwas obstructing Akane’s throat.
“Oops, if youithrow up likeithat, youiwill choke. Keepigoing, Akane, swallowiit, swallowiit! Swallowimy love! Acceptiit!”
Since sheicouldinot spit outithe vomit andidiarrhea thatihad creptiup to her throat, herionly choiceiwas to return itito her stomach along with the liquidifood again. Accompaniedibyimy love.
“Now, whatidoiyouido, Akane? Acceptingimeiis the onlyiway foriyou to live.”
Onitheiverge of chokingion her ownivomit, Akaneihad no alternative butito embraceimy love.