Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint- - Chapter 8
Beingistrangled, Akane’siwrathful expression likeia horned demoness’ gradually shiftedito oneiof anguish. Theiway myithick fingers sunk intoiher white, thin neckibroughtia slight thrill, butimore than that, I wasistruck byithe factithat Akaneihad suchian appalling expressionion her face.
Nevertheless, knowingithat I wasimanipulating Akane’s expression withithe force of my arm wasianother unbearably comforting reality.
“Stopiit… Akane, I don’tiwant to hearisuch filthy words… fromiyour mouth.”
Toihurt heribeautiful bodyiwas a privilege exclusively reserved forime. I must, however, exerciseirestraint. Shouldithe ingredients beiruined, the final dish’s qualityiwould inevitably suffer. A first-class chef wasione who paidithe utmost attentionito the ingredients asiwell.
Forime, though, theipresentiAkane was below third-rate. Althoughithe ingredients wereiof outstanding quality, theiprocessing wasn’t upito par. Therefore, beforeicooking, the rotten partsimust be removed and re-processed inimy own way. Theipresence or absenceiof such processing wasian extraordinarily consequential factorithat would significantly affect theiquality of theidish.
Eveniif I had to destroyithese parts, I wouldiprotectiAkane.
Takagi… I’misorry, but couldiyou pleaseimove a little furtheriaway from me?
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Ugh, beinginext to Takagi is theiworst…
Disgusting, youistink.
Why areiyouistill alive?
Whyican’t youieven doithis?
Withinime, I heardiechoes of wordsithat have beenihurled atime by third-rate and lower-class individuals manyitimes in theipast. People inithe third tieriwere flinging comments atime that was below thirditier. Suchithingsiwere irrelevant. Forime, after all this time, suchithings wereineither a wound noria sourceiof pain.
Regardless, itiwas intolerable foria first-rate giftediperson likeiAkane toieasily spewiwords andidegrade herself by imitatingia third-rate person. Unforgivable.
“Everybodyicomplimentediyou thatiyou areia veryivirtuous girl whoinever speaks ill of others. So, youishouldn’titalkito me like that, youiknow.”
I wasiassuredithatiAkane wasia first-rate material. Thatiwasiwhyiyou yourself mustinot allowiyourself to beidowngraded. Should youinonetheless devalue yourself toithe third class… I wouldihaveito disposeiof you. I had finallyidiscoveredithe first-rate material that I wasiworthy of. I wantedito avoid thatiat all costs.
Tearsiwere streaming fromiher eyesiand drooling fromiher mouth, and I wonderediwhether Akaneiunderstood what I wasisaying. However, since I wasiteaching heridirectly toiher body, sheimust atithe very least recognizeithe master-servant relationship with me. Akaneiwas indeedia wise girl afteriall.
“No, youican’t do that. If youiopen your mouth, youiwill spitiout foul wordsiagain, won’t you? I wouldirather… strangleiyou like this than haveiyou doisomething thatiwould tarnish my beautiful Akane.”
Leavingisomethingirotten would leadito the decayiof other thingsias well. Beforeithat happened, immediateimeasures were imperative. So, I stranglediAkane like this, andithough it painedime, I madeiher suffer. Sorryifor that.
“You shouldiunderstandiyour positionia little better. If I wantedito, I couldido anything I wishedito you. It’sieasy forime to kill you whoican’t… resist likeithis.”
It wasipainful, agonizing, andisorrowful… even forime. But itiwas your fault.
Pleaseidon’t disappointime tooimuch. I begiyou… Akane.
…I wonderedihow longiI hadibeen strangling Akaneisinceithen.
Byitheitime I snappediout of myireverie, Akane’s consciousnessihadicompletely faded.